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Chocolate Frosting (Gluten-Free)
Courtesy of Gluten Intolerance Group
Servings: n/a
Prep Time: n/a
Cook Time: n/a
What you need:
(click + to add ingredients to your shopping list)
+ 1/2 c. butter, melted
+ 1/2 c. baking cocoa
+ 2 tsp. vanilla
+ 3 c. powdered sugar
+ 1/4 c. milk
What to do:
1. Mix melted butter and cocoa powder.
2. Add vanilla. Beat in powdered sugar.
3. Add milk to desired spreading consistency. Mix well.

* Frosts one 9×13 inch or two 9 inch round cakes.

* Courtesy of: Gluten Intolerance Group
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