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Southwest Salsa Bowl
Courtesy of National Watermelon Promotion Board
Servings: 12
Prep Time: 30 Min.
Cook Time: n/a
Chill Time: 1 Hr.
What you need:
(click + to add ingredients to your shopping list)
+ 1 round seedless watermelon
+ dry erase marker
+ utility knife or carving knife
+ ice cream scoop or other large spoon
+ Fire & Ice salsa
+ For garnish: tortilla chips, jalapeņos, cilantro and lime

Fire and Ice Salsa:
+ 3 c. seeded and chopped watermelon
+ 1/2 c. green peppers
+ 2 Tbsp. lime juice
+ 1 Tbsp. chopped cilantro
+ 1Tbsp. green onion
+ 1-2 Tbsp. jalapeņo peppers
What to do:
1. Choose a round seedless watermelon.
2. Wash the watermelon and pat dry.
3. Use a dry erase marker to trace the design around the middle of the watermelon.
4. Use a utility knife to carve the design.
5. Split watermelon in half, and use a scoop to carve out flesh.
6. Choose a flat area of rind on the other watermelon half to trace and carve out a lizard design. (optional)
7. Fill bowl with Fire & Ice salsa
8. Garnish with lizard, chips, jalapenos, cilantro, and lime.

Fire and Ice Salsa:
1. Combine ingredients for salsa; mix well and cover. Refrigerate 1 hr. or more.

Servings: Makes 3 c.